Production company name; Second life
As a group we have had a bit of a vote and decided to use the name Second Life (which myself and Phoebe used last year in our old group). This name worked well considering how simple it was and was popular with the rest of the media studies class. We also now have the option of using some of the graphics and video opening and editing. Which apart from saving us time it give us the opportunity to improve the logo and make it “bigger and better”. The concept of second life came from a joke though our group. I am planning to improve the sound of the opening sequence and remix the music to make it more modern and smooth. I lent how to do this last year and I am hoping to improve my skill this year by setting myself this little task. It does not matter that this is not done straight away; I can leave it till next year because it is quick thing to do.
Hopefully you can see the sort video, above the text. It is quite likely that the video will be edited to make it more suitable for our group.