Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Plot film edit

This is a JPGof my personal plot for the film; it demonstrates the original concept for our film trailer and the film behind it. The areas highlighted are points that phoebe and me think could be used the final script. We have decided to take some of these points and use them. I think that overall I did a good job of making up this story from nothing. The next stage from this is to make a storyboard and publish a final script.
I have also done a very simple background on the trailer plot. I did this because I wanted to put it into perspective and see how this large film will be pushed into only 1.5 minutes.
Camera shots and angles have be thought about in the group, for instance today me and me looked at a couple of trailers to see how they work overall; they start slow build up to a very fast peace to end it on a high, we have recognised this simple rule and will use it in our trailer. We have even started to think about how the trailer would work, the trailer could start with the leading actor on her bed asleep (cycle-pan shot) then the trailer would move on from there and at the end we could go back to this shot but in a different building and/or on a different bed. This would demonstrate to the audience that her life has sort of gone round in a big cycle, but she has become successful and got somewhere.
This is a GPG of my personal plot for the film; it demonstrates the original concept for our film trailer and the film behind it. The areas highlighted are points that phoebe and me think could be used the final script. We have decided to take some of these points and use them. I think that overall I did a good job of making up this story from nothing. The next stage from this is to make a storyboard and publish a final script.
I have also done a very simple background on the trailer plot. I did this because I wanted to put it into perspective and see how this large film will be pushed into only 1.5 minutes.
Camera shots and angles have be thought about in the group, for instance today me and me looked at a couple of trailers to see how they work overall; they start slow build up to a very fast peace to end it on a high, we have recognised this simple rule and will use it in our trailer. We have even started to think about how the trailer would work, the trailer could start with the leading actor on her bed asleep (cycle-pan shot) then the trailer would move on from there and at the end we could go back to this shot but in a different building and/or on a different bed. This would demonstrate to the audience that her life has sort of gone round in a big cycle, but she has become successful and got somewhere.

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